Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Well I knew it was going to happen eventually. change. Yesterday night we recieved the news for transfers. I AM STAYING IN COMO!!!! I am so happy! I love these people here so much. My new companion is Sorella Stephens! When I was in the MTC her sister was in my mtc group but is in the rome mission! I have only heard good things about sorella stephens and I am so excited to have her as my new companion. We are meeting her in Milano tomorrow. Sorella McCann is going as far down south as you can in our mission to Sienna. I am excited for her but sad to see her go because I now have to explain everything to my new companion and get us around the city of como. speriamo bene! I am ready for this new challenge. I need something to push me more.It is going to be a change but a good change.

All of our progressing investigators came to church! All of them! That was a miracle. The spirit was fortissimo and the testimony meeting was perfect for our investigators. It brought joy to us to see our American investigator pass the sacrament for the first time because he has only blessed the sacrament.

This Saturday
Our investigator that has the less active husband is gettin baptized this Saturday!  This Saturday! She is so ready! At church she was so excited because her husband wore his church clothes and wanted to show us. I love seeing them change their lives to be members of the church. I know that Saturday will be a special day and I am excited to share it with my new companon Sorella Stephens. I love this family and I truly feel that I knew them before.

I really don't have too much to say this week. I have a feeling I am going to be expected to do more now because I am officially done with the 12 week training program! hah. oh gheeze! It will be good for me because I know I am a lazy person so I need a good push.ha it shoul be an interesting transfer. I am going to try and work much more on the language this transfer. It will be a change but it just feels right and I am happy to mix things up a little bit in como.

Our investigators are doing well and I think that there will be some miracles this next coming transfer(sorry I have prbably said this 10 times already). I am just so excited!

I love you all! Have a great week. I will write more next week about the baptism.

sorella carter

Some of the members in our ward

Baggats..sorella mccann and I always use this word togther..and she appreciates it..hah i had to take a picture by the place with the name of baggats 

Su train giu bus...yes i did make myself cry using the fan.ha

The man we always see everyday. The good as it gets dog..

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